
2023-2024 Student Handbook:

Student Handbook 2023-24.pdf

Our Mission:

The mission of the Farmington School District is to develop and prepare every individual for lifelong learning and participation in a global society through quality education.  The Farmington School District is a supportive learning environment for students, school staff, families, and the greater community.  

Core Values:

The Farmington School District holds the following values as essential to being an active participant in education and the greater global community:

Trust - the belief in ourselves and others to be just, reliable, and supportive
Integrity - the strength of character to persevere while being ethical, responsible, and thoughtful.
Genuineness - being honest and sincere in sharing beliefs, values, and passions with self and others.
Empathy - the ability to feel compassion for others’ feelings and opinions.
Respect - the dignity, honor, and courtesy to value self, others, and environment.
Success - is the continual achievement of goals

"Once a Tiger, Always A Tiger"

Belief Statements

The Farmington School District believes that all are learners.  

The following statements define our beliefs about learning.

We believe learning:

*Encompasses discovery, development and utilization of multiple interests and abilities.
*Preparation for an extensive range of opportunities, careers and future goals.
*Extends beyond the classroom.
*Requires a positive culture and climate that respects diversity and encourages greatness, promotes personal growth, and enhances leadership qualities.
*Is a process that evolves to meet the challenges of the ever-changing world.